During Hurricane Season
If your department does not have a recovery plan in place, creating one should become an immediate priority. It’s also wise to develop a relationship now with a document restoration service that can assist in the recovery of important documents and records if the unthinkable were to happen.
Basics of a Disaster Recovery Plan
The most valuable asset to any group is its skilled staff. Because of this, it is of the utmost importance to formulate a communication plan for when a disaster occurs. Guaranteeing steadfast communication between the key players within any organisation will help tremendously during a time when the whole group is forced to continue day-to-day work at another location while the home workplace is sorted through.
In addition, it’s important to make sure all valuables on site are covered under the insurance policy. Finally, every disaster recovery plan should outline what steps to take to provide additional security for rare paper documents, as well as how to retrieve the critical information within them both during and after an emergency situation.
How Document Restoration Services can Help
A recent survey found that 55 percent of organisations have no formal disaster recovery plan that covers paper-based information. With the frequency of natural disasters increasing, document restoration services have become a beneficial resource for the many companies that find themselves victimized by a natural disaster.
Document scanning teams specialize in scanning paper documents and converting them to a digital format in order to allow visitors to retrieve them electronically if the physical copies are destroyed or simply inaccessible. In recent years, Libraries, Archives and Museums have become even more sophisticated by expanding their capability to scan documents in a variety of formats and sizes. By working with document restoration experts, organizations are able to decrease the amount of downtime required to get back to regular business operations, thus limiting excess revenue loss during the rebuild.
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