In May 2013 the Grenada National Trust aquired the new web domain and this month (May 2015) it was finally launched:

The Grenada National Trust (GNT)
It was on the 12th April 1967 that an act of Parliament empowered the Grenada National Trust…
‘to protect Grenada’s cultural, architectural and natural heritage, to ‘preserve chattels of prehistoric, historic or artistic interest and the establishment of museums’.this mandate was clearly prescribed by the following clauses taken from Ordinance 20 of 1967, which are as follows:
- The listing of buildings and monuments of prehistoric, historic and architectural interest an places of natural beauty with their animal or plant life;
- The compilation of photographic and architectural record of the above;
- The preservation of chattels of prehistoric, historic or artistic interest and the establishment of museums;
- Making the public aware of the value and beauty of the territory’s heritage as set out above;
- The pursuance of a policy of preservation and acting in an advisory capacity;
- The acquiring of property for the benefit of the Territory;
- The promoting and preserving for the benefit and enjoyment of the Territory of submarine areas of beauty or natural or historic interest and for the preservation (as far as possible) for their natural aspect, features and animal, plant and marine life;
- The attracting of funds by means of subscriptions, donations, bequests and grants.
As of 2015 the GNT receive a notional EC$10,000.00 annual subvention channeled through the Ministry of Education. To date, all other revenue comes via private or corporate donations, national lottery contributions and low level project specific funding from identified funding bodies.
The vast majority of the organisation’s output is project specific. For this reason, dedicated and specific attention will be paid to the identification and procedural fulfilment of funding requirements demanded by various international agencies. Appropriate expertise will be sought to take the organisation through the funding process.
The GNT will also seek to increase revenues through an increase in membership, both individually and corporately. There will be a series of national campaigns that will encourage the attraction of sponsorship and other private sector partnerships.
The Vision
The focus of the organisation’s vision statement is firmly set in what it delivers to all stakeholders and beneficiaries. It was agreed the statement should be easily understood and give clarity to the purpose of the organisation. The Vision Statement reads as follows:
“To preserve, protect, and promote Grenada’s heritage”
This Vision Statement appropriately captures the purpose of the organisation (Heritage) as well as defining the organisations relationship to that purpose (to preserve, protect and promote).
The Mission
To fulfil the organisation’s purpose, the following Mission Statement has been adopted by the Council to prioritise activities in relation to what the organisation will do, why it will be doing it and who the organisation intends to serve. The Mission Statement is as follows:
“Through professional collaboration, fund raising, education, advocacy,The GNT’s Goals
public and private sector partnerships and nationwide community
involvement we will identify, conserve and promote Grenada’s heritage
assets for the continual enjoyment of our citizens and visitors.”
- To conserve to international standards the heritage assets of the nation, through professional implementation and monitoring.
- To maintain to international standards the heritage assets of the nation, through initiatives that encourage involvement of the people of Grenada in the beautification, upkeep and ultimate ownership of these assets.
- To increase visitors both internationally and locally to all heritage sites in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique by providing access to safe, enjoyable and well managed sites.
- To increase national awareness of the nation’s heritage assets, through dedicated marketing and PR initiatives that encourages involvement, and engages the us of all media platforms.
- To create a highly respected, visual and active national heritage organisation, driven by efficient, motivated, professional staff and volunteers.
- To develop the financial and professional capacity of the organisation to be effective custodians of Grenada’s heritage assets, including the generation of commercial income.
- To take the lead role in representations to both government and other parties in matters directly relating to heritage conservation and well being.
- To continually seek an increase in the organisation’s membership at both corporate and individual levels.
The GNT’s Board of Executives
The Trusts President – Darryl Brathwaite
is a businessman and public spirited individual having been Director on several Statutory Boards, President of the Chamber of Commerce and the Private Sector Senator in the Upper House. He came to the Trust to strengthen the project management aspect of it’s administration and has assembled a cadre of experts who are now ready to expand operations and increase collaboration with internationally based heritage organizations. In his own words the President said:“I am always amazed and encouraged by the wide range of activities and responsibilities required of a custodian of national heritage, from historic buildings to places of natural beauty and the unexpected treasures to be discovered along the way.”
“I believe I have become President at an interesting time as we rescue memories from the past centuries and face the challenges of the new while representing continuity and far sightedness.”
“While there is an increased understanding and appreciation of precious landscape and architecture, there continues to be a growing concern about the impact of the constant expansion of urban areas, of roads and buildings. These twin concerns – the positive and the negative – are expressed in television and radio programmes, campaigns and protests, and also in the growing interest in the National Trust itself.”
“I hope that, like me, inspired by this valuable organisation, you will have the opportunity of exploring the huge variety of beautiful places in the care of the National Trust. Members and visitors will find some unexpected and new treasures, while others, I hope, discover a wealth of beauty and history on their doorstep and, as a result, perhaps be moved to support the work of the National Trust in preserving the best of our heritage for future generations to enjoy, and, you never know, even be inspired enough to understand the continuing need for an ‘organic’, sympathetic building tradition when it comes to the way we build the future heritage in our precious countryside today.”

GNT’s 1st Vice-President – John Albanie
Albanie spent most of his earlier career at Reuters news agency before moving to Grenada in 1986 to form Caribbean Enterprises, serving in the UK, Switzerland, Middle East and USA. Prior to last posting of six years in the US, headed joint REUTERS-UNESCO project in support of CANA (Caribbean News Agency) based in Barbados. His previous career was as an Aero-design Studentship with Havilland Aircraft Company (Hatfield, Herts, England). He holds a commission in GD (Flying) Branch of Royal Air Force; subsequently in RAFVR Hawker Siddeley Aviation, Sales Department of DH125 business jet; and worked at “The Scotsman” newspaper (Fleet Street, London).Also a member of Buildings and Monuments Committee of Grenada National Trust with special responsibility for liaison with UNESCO and of the Fortress Study Group ( since 1998. Previously president of the Grenada Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (1990/2001). Owner of private site on which 18thcentury British battery known as Fort Bedford was once located – in Levera, St Patrick’s ( with plans to turn it into a small military museum when the planned “Levera Eco-Resort development” is in place. “Grand Inquisitor” of the Grenada Hash House Harriers ( 1986/2013; and Honorary British Consul 2008/2010.

GNT’s 2nd Vice-President – Newton Alexander
Specialised in Curriculum Planning and Management, Education Planning, School Improvement and Staff Development, and Special Education Needs. He was previously a Teacher in UK, Thailand and Grenada. His nterests and activities are in Farming. On retiring from Teaching, took over responsibility for rehabilitating family lands in St Patrick’s Parish which had been left unattended as a result of ageing family members. Fully committed to and passionate about Preserving and Protecting our Nation’s Heritage, including neglected sites and historic resources located outside the town of St George.
GNT’s Treasurer – Carole Noble

GNT’s Secretary – Victoria Williams
Although born in Trinidad, Victoria has been actively involved in Grenada through her various business interests which include the estate agents Coldwell Banker ( She considers her knowledge of the island’s grass roots is encyclopaedic and from all this she has developed a keen interest in the island’s heritage. Her family’s involvement with the history of the island includes providing the land for Point Salines International Airport (now Maurice Bishop Airport).
GNT’s Executive Member – Peter Wallace
Wallace was born, raised, trained and worked in UK but eventually moved to lived and worked in Grenada back in 2005. As an Architect he has been a principal in private practice since 1979 his practice having been listed by Building Design magazine as in the UK top 100.His conservation work includes works on the Tower of London, Dover Castle, a Medieval Merchant’s House, Walmer Castle (for the late Queen Mother), Hastings Battlefield, St Augustine’s Abbey, and a wide range of period houses from Medieval to Modernist and for clients such as English Heritage, Dept of the Environment and various corporations as well as private individuals. This has developed in him a thorough knowledge and deep understanding of traditional building materials and methods along with their modern equivalents. Not surprisingly this comes along with an intense interest in the history of architecture and the built heritage. He also found time to do a little commercial work too.Currently Peter has an architectural practice – Atlantic Partnership ( and an involvement with real estate foe Coldwell Banker (

GNT’s Executive Member – Roger Byer
Byer served as combat medic in the Vietnam war and has written a book about that experience. Graduated as a commercial pilot from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. He previously worked as a pilot in the Caribbean with a charter company, a regional airline and as Prime Minister’s personal pilot. He states that he is committed to the development of Grenada’s Heritage, particularly the Town of St. George with its unique fortifications.
GNT’s Executive Member – John Angus Martin
Many if us already know ‘Angus’ as the currently director of our Grenada National Museum. He was born and grew up in St. George’s, Grenada, where he attended the St. George’s Roman Catholic Boys’ School (now known as the J. W. Fletcher Memorial Boys’ School) and Presentation Brothers’ College before immigrating to Brooklyn, New York with his family in 1978. He graduated in 1986 with a BSc in Biological Sciences and a minor in Anthropology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island. He spent the next three years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Sierra Leone, West Africa, teaching at an agricultural institute and as an agricultural extension agent to subsistence farmers in rural villages. He holds master’s degrees in History, and Agricultural and Applied Economics from Clemson University, South Carolina. He has worked as a Reference Archivist at the Cushing Memorial Library, Texas A&M University and a Country Desk Officer in the Africa Region of the US Peace Corps. His travels have been important in his study of Caribbean slavery and colonialism. His next project, French Grenada: Island Caribs and French Settlers, 1498-1763 explores the rise and demise of the French in Grenada.
GNT’s Executive Member – Michael Kirton
Special Projects Manager at Grenada Distillers Ltd from 2003 – Present (13 years).

GNT’s Executive Member – Craig Keller
Keller was education at Regis University. Working in Grenada Real
Estate as the Managing Director of Isla Consulting & Advisory Inc is
part of more than two decades of experience in luxury real estate and
resort development, project management, and tourism initiatives.
Previous positions held were with Levera Resort Development, Contrack International, USAID. In addition to successful projects within the United States, he also delivered a range of capital projects in a variety of countries, including, Grenada, Jamaica, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Haiti.
Previous positions held were with Levera Resort Development, Contrack International, USAID. In addition to successful projects within the United States, he also delivered a range of capital projects in a variety of countries, including, Grenada, Jamaica, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Haiti.

GNT’s Executive Consultant and Acting ED – Michael Adams
Michael was born in the UK but is of Grenadian descent. His core disciplines are in the fields of planning, marketing and communications and oversees the Trusts outputs in these area. He has been a past Director on the Board of Tourism and brings a wealth of international consultancy experience to the Trust. Michael says:“As soon as you approach Grenada, whether by air, land or sea you know immediately, that this is going to a memorable experience. However, when you scratch beneath the surface there is a rich heritage that begins to tell stories that are embedded in Caribbean culture. Remnants of times that have now passed but practices that remain. Our tangible and intangible heritage, is the envy of the Caribbean, all of which have the potential of being world class attractions. Our Tri-Island state is special and we need to protect it.”