9 Jul 2014


A biography is a history of a person’s life. A biography may give you birth, marriage, and death information and the names of parents, spouse, children, or other family members. Use the information from a biography cautiously because there may be inaccuracies.

You may locate individual or family biographies in the Surname Search of the Family History Library Catalog.

Biographies have been gathered and published in collections of biographies, sometimes called biographical encyclopedias or dictionaries. These usually include only biographies of prominent or well-known subjects. However, some collections of biographies are of specific groups such as ministers, musicians, painters, poets, radicals, or writers.

It is important to note that currently there is little in the way of individual or collective biographies on individuals born in Grenada or for those who have had great influence or participation in Grenada politically, socially, or otherwise. One would hope this will change in the future.

If your ancestor played an important part in a group or occupation, do a Place Search for Grenada in any British, Scottish, Canadian, North American, and Latin American biography archives, since people of note may be recorded in these. Although Grenada has little to do with Latin America many historical groups have collected Caribbean information which can include biographical details from Grenadian figures. Little work has been done on collections of biographies of African, Indian, or Portuguese descendant who have lived and died on Grenada’s islands.


For prominent historical figures, leaders, artists, businessmen, or religious the following sources may help:
  • American National Biography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. (Print) ANB.org ($).

Some Prominent Names

This is a small list of prominent figures in Grenada’s long history – it is neither definitive nor complete. Further, it must be noted that, as is the case with all biographies, those listed here are neither the complete truth nor the whole life of the given individual.

Name (A) Biographical link
Arthur, James Stanley (1923–2010) Oxford University Press, 2014
Augustine, Fennis Lincoln Oxford University Press, 2014
Name (B) Biographical link
Beharry, Johnson (1979–) Damian Lynch, Garrick Hagon, and Nick Cook. Barefoot Soldier. Sphere, 2006
Benjamin, John (1934–2010) The Cultural Biographies of John Benjamin & Fernande Laas. S.l: s.n, 1990
Bishop, Maurice Rupert (1944–1983) Howard, Johnson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009
Blaize, Rt. Hon. Herbert Augustus (1918-1989) Oxford University Press, 2014
Brizan, George Ignatius (1942–2012) Brave Young Grenadians: Loyal British Subjects…. Trinidad & Tobago: G. Brizan, 2002
Browne, Charles Macaulay (1885-) Oxford University Press, 2014
Butler, Tubal Uriah (1897–1977) O, Nigel B. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
Bynoe née Gibbs, Dame Hilda Louisa, DBE (1921–2013) Collins, Merle. The Governor’s Story: The Authorized Biography of Dame Hilda Bynoe, 2013
Name (C) Biographical link
Charter, Joseph Stephen (1943-) Oxford University Press, 2013
Clyne, Reginald H. (1891-1974) Against the Currents. S.l: s.n., 1996
Coard, Frederick McDermott D. (1893-) Bitter-sweet and Spice: These Things I Remember. Ilfracombe: Stockwell, 1970
Coke, Rev. Thomas (1747–1814) A Journal of the Rev. Dr. Coke’s Third Tour Through the West Indies. London: G. Paramore, 1791
Collins, Merle (1950-) Bloom, Harold. Caribbean Women Writers. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1997
Cugoano, Ottobah Narrative of the Enslavement of Ottobah Cugoano…. Chapel Hill, N.C.:, 1999
Name (D) Biographical link
Davis, Hon. Sir Maurice Herbert (1912-1988) Oxford University Press, 2014
De Gale, Sir Leo Victor (1921-1986) Oxford University Press, 2014
Name (E) Biographical link
Ellis, George (1753-1815) J, M R, and Mills Rebecca. Ellis, George. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Name (G) Biographical link
Gairy, Sir Eric Matthew (1922–1997) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Gentle, Eileen Before the Sunset: A Memoir of Grenada. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec: Shoreline, 1999
Gibbs, Oswald Moxley (1927-1995) Oxford University Press, 2014
Glean, Sir Carlyle Arnold (1932-) Oxford University Press, 2013
Graham, Sir Samuel Horatio (1912–1999) Oxford University Press, 2014
Grant, McGodden Kerensky “Cacademo” (1917-1982) Brathwaite, Shirley R. Cacademo Grant: Hero of the People’s Revolution. St. Georges: Printed by Government Printery, 1983
Granger, Winifred Held Captive: Memoirs of a Caribbean Woman. Trinidad: Phyllis Andrews, 2012
Grenada, 15 Dedicated 15 Dedicated Men and Women Who Have Served Their Country. National Democratic Congress Presents. Grenada: s.n, 1990
Grenada, Colonial Administrators Colonial Administrators and Post-Independence Leaders in Grenada Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005
Name (H) Biographical link
Henry, Sir Denis Aynsley (1864–1925) Oxford University Press, 2014
Herb, Ras Rehabilitation or Death., 1991
Hughes, Alister Earl Hewitson (1919-2005) Lewis, Paula. Alister Hughes: Glimpses into the Life of a Great Grenadian. St. Patrick, Grenada: Belmont Estate Heritage Foundation, 2004
Hutchinson, Leslie Arthur Julien ‘Hutch’ (1900-1969) Breese, Charlotte. Hutch. London: Bloomsbury, 1999
Name (K) Biographical link
Keens-Douglas, Richardo (1953-) Solomon, Frances-Anne. Believe – with Richardo Keens-Douglas. Toronto, Ont: Literature Alive Corp, 2005
Kent, Dr. Edward Roy (1920-2009) Kent, Edward, and Susan Payetta. Up Before Dawn. Grenada: Sail Rock Publishing, 2011
Name (L) Biographical link
Lewis, Sir Arthur (1915-1991) Transcript of the World Exclusive Radio Programme: Sir Arthur Lewis, His Life, Achievements and Thoughts. Castries, St. Lucia?: R. Lalljie, 1993
Lorde, Audre Geraldine (1934–1992) James, D S. Lorde, Audre. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003
Name (M) Biographical link
Mackenzie, Lt-Gen. Colin (1806-1881) A, J A, and T S. Roger. Mackenzie, Colin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
MacQueen, James (1778-1870) Gordon, Goodwin, and Baigent Elizabeth. Macqueen, James. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Marryshow, Hon. Theophilus Albert (1887-1958) Sheppard, Jill. Marryshow of Grenada: An Introduction. Grenada: s.n., 1987
Marshall née Burke, Valenza Pauline ‘Paule’ (1929-) Triangular Road: A Memoir. New York: Basic Civitas Books, 2009
Mcintyre, Sir Meredith Alister (1932-) Oxford University Press, 2013
Name (P) Biographical link
Palmer, Sir Reginald Oswald (1923-) Oxford University Press, 2013
Paterson, Nicholas Julian (1867-) Oxford University Press, 2014
Phillips, Harold Adolphus (1929–2000) James, McGrath. Phillips, Harold Adolphus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012
Pigott, Sir Arthur Leary (1749-1819) R, A M. Pigott, Sir Arthur Leary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Pitt, David Thomas (1913-1994) Mike, Phillips. Pitt, David Thomas, Baron Pitt of Hampstead. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Protain, Gertrude Isobel (-2005) Compton, Shadel N. Gertrude Isobel Protain: Glimpses into the Life of a Great Grenadian. St. Patrick, Grenada: Belmont Estate Heritage Foundation, 2004
Purcell née Orgias, Joan M. (1942-) Memoirs of a Woman in Politics: Spiritual Struggles of Joan M. Purcell. St. George’s, Grenada, W.I: J.M. Purcell, 2007
Name (R) Biographical link
Robertson, James Burton (1800-1877) Thompson, Cooper, and Lloyd Myfanwy. Robertson, James Burton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Roux, Phillippe de Le Marquis de Casaux, un Planteur des Antilles, Inspirator de Mirabeau. Paris: Société de l’histoire des Colonies Françaises; en vente: Libraire Larose, 1951
Name (S) Biographical link
Scoon, Sir Paul Godwin (1935–2013) Survival for Service: My Experiences As Governor General of Grenada. Oxford, England: Macmillan Caribbean, 2003
Shrewsbury, Rev. William James (1795–1866) Memorials of the Rev. William J. Shrewsbury. London: Hamilton, Adams, 1867
Name (W Biographical link
Watts, Sir John Augustus Fitzroy Oxford University Press, 2013
Wharton, Arthur (1865-1930) Phil, Vasili. Wharton, Arthur. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004
Williams, Eric Eustace (1911-1981) Palmer, Colin A. Eric Williams & the Making of the Modern Caribbean. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006
Williams, Sir Daniel Charles (1935-) Oxford University Press, 2013

You may find some collections under the localities listed above and then the subject “GENEALOGY.”

Author: Ric Greaves

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